The Hottest Video Arcade Game Since Golden Tee Golf Has Finally Arrived !
Featured in a Page One Article in The Wall Street Journal !
 Target Toss Pro: Bags is a new videogame based on beanbag toss - the nation's hottest tailgate and bar game sensation! Called "Bags", "Baggo", "Corn Toss" or "Cornhole" as they call it in some parts of the country, the game originated in the Midwest in the 1980's and has since become a staple at outdoor social events from coast-to-coast. Bags is a deceptively simple, yet extremely competitive game where players try to toss beanbags into a hole in a slightly raised platform or "box" for points, similar to playing horseshoes. Whether at home, school, tailgating, at a party or at a summer BBQ, this quick and easy outdoor game has become a growing social focal point for fun nationwide!
The "Bags" phenomenon is so hot that The Wall Street Journal recently devoted its choice center front page column to coverage on the fast-growing popularity of this relatively new game, which has recently turned into a competitive national "sport", featuring regional and national leagues, new cash tournaments, and now major corporate sponsors - According to the WSJ , Incredible Technologies (Target Toss's maker) completely sold out its first run of 3200 units of this wild and extremely fun videogame in just days after its initial release in June 2007!
Target Toss Pro: Bags is the video version of this very popular beanbag phenomenon, but with no heavy wooden boxes or open spaces required - And just like its famous sister products, Golden Tee and Silver Strike Bowling , Target Toss Pro is a very reliable, commercial-quality, trackball-controlled video game that's as fun, challenging and competitive as the "real" thing... And quite possibly more!
Target Toss Pro: Bags is a new fresh twist on this hot and growing classic game, featuring a new scoring strategy that rewards players for making a "swish" instead of a standard "hole shot". In addition, wind plays a challenging factor in Target Toss Pro especially in later rounds of the game. And for the first time in arcade entertainment history, players have the power to set up their own 4, 8, and now 16 man tournaments!
 |  | It's the Perfect Bar Game, and Perfect for Homes and Offices !- Very Easy and Very "Approachable" Gameplay for both men and women
- Very Casual competition aspect that is perfect for all locations!
- Fun, Fast, Simple and Affordable Gameplay
- Software updates planned for future releases
- First in a series of Target Toss Pro Games
|  | A Game Choice for Everyone, Male or Female, From 3 to 93 ! - Single player games for high score
- 2 player head-to-head games
- 3 player cutthroat (every man for himself)
- 4 player competition (team) mode (2 vs 2)
- 4, 8, & even 16 player instant tournament modes !
- Bracketed Leaderboards - Put tournament play in the player's hands
|  | Dozens of Unique Game Features ! - 3 Selectable Bags Shot Styles
- Player's Initials Displayed On Player's On-Screen Shirt
- New "Vegas Bags" Card Game for 1, 2 & 3 player games
- New "Side Game" Feature
- Exciting Instant Replays !
- Play Again / Rematch Feature
|  | Casual Fun and Competition at its Best ! - "Top Scores of the Week" Leaderboard
- "Top Baggers" Leaderboard
- "Hole Shot Masters" Leaderboard
- And Much More !
|  | Complete Kits Also Available & Ready to Install ! - Works with any existing monitor
- Perfect Retrofit for recent and classic Golden Tee Fore! cabinets
- Comes with system box, controls, graphics and marquee

Target Toss Pro : Lawn Darts And Bags Game Modes : Target Toss Pro: Bags is extremely simple and can accommodate up to sixteen players all the same time !
One Player: Play for high score or just practice! Two Players : (Head-to-Head): Play your friend! Three Players : (Cutthroat): Three players throw at same box, every player for themselves! Four Players Team Play : (Two-vs-Two): Bags at it's finest! Two, two-player teams. Four Player Tournament : A four-player single elimination tournament. See who's the best! Eight Player Tournament : An eight-player single elimination tournament. Who is the king▪ Sixteen Player Tournament : The crown jewel! A 16 player single elimination tournament.
Players : Up to 16-players can play TTP: Bags at once and they can all choose between a male or female character. Players are given a distinct shirt color with their player number and initials on the back. Initials are entered after each player scores their first point.
Be the Best at Bags! If you are a player who strives for perfection, works hard to be the best, and takes pride in standing tall at the top of the leaderboards, you may have what it takes to join the Bags Hall of Fame! Immortalize your greatest Target Toss Achievements by reaching any or all of these remarkable milestones described below

| The Bags Century Club
The price of membership is simple: Throw a 100-plus game of Bags. Some dedicated players have come close, with scores in the 80s and 90s, but the elusive 100-plus score is a rare occurrence. If you are skilled enough to achieve a three-digit score, you belong in the Bags Century Club.
Take your picture next to the game, with your three-digit score clearly visible. Send the photo in to IT, along with your name, mailing address, and the location you played at. You will then be added to the hallowed halls of the Century Club Hall of Fame! |

| The Perfect Game Hall of Fame
Score isn’t always everything. Sometimes precision and perseverance take precedent over strategy and luck. A game of Bags is considered Perfect if all 24 bags go in the hole. It doesn’t matter how they get in there, or what the final score is. Twenty-four bags in the hole is twenty-four bags in the hole.
If you are a Hole Shot Master and have a perfect game, let the world know about it! Send in your picture next to the game, with your 24 clearly visible on the Hole Shot Masters screen. Send the photo in to IT, along with your name, mailing address, and the location you played at. We'll post your photo in the Perfect Game Hall of Fame! |

| Who will be the First to be the Ultimate Hole Shot Hero▪ One Hundred and Twenty Points. That's not just a perfect game, but the Ultimate Perfect Score, the Bags Crown Jewel. Every bag in the hole, every toss a 5-pointer. Some say it is impossible. Some say it is their Destiny. What do you say▪
The stage has been set, and the challenge has been made. Who will win the Battle for the Best, the First to be Flawless▪ Will you be the first Accuracy Ace, or will you let another Perfect Pitcher take the title as Hole Shot Hero▪ The choice is yours!
The first player to achieve a perfect 120 score on Bags will assume a special place in the Bags Hall of Fame as the Ultimate Hole Shot Hero. If you have the skills to complete this amazing accomplishment, send in a photo of yourself next to the game, with your score clearly visible. Send the photo in to IT, along with your name, mailing address, and the location you played at. We'll send you a nice prize package - but more importantly you'll be able to enjoy the prestige and adoration from the legions of Target Toss Pro fans!
Baggo" and Target Toss Pro : Bags General Rules :
Although there is absolutely no need to know any of the rules below , as Target Toss Pro is about the simplest video arcade game ever to be created, with the game keeping track of player scores and players turns automatically, Target Toss Pro can be played by just about anyone, male or female from 3 to 93, the following is a brief explanation of Bags or "Baggo" rules and play, with exceptions for specific TTPB game rules, as noted below :
Target Toss Pro Bags, also known in real life as "Bags", "Baggo", "Bean Bag Toss", "Corn Toss" or "Cornhole" is a game in which players take turns pitching small bags (in real life filled with corn, sand or beans) into a raised platform with a hole, until the first player or team reaches a score of 21. A game consists of players taking turns pitching 4 bags each per inning, with two innings (top and bottom innings). A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. In the Target Toss Pro: Bags version, a shot that lands in the hole without touching any the sides in a "Perfect Pro" shot which scores 5 points.
Singles or Doubles (Team) Play Target Toss Pro Bags (and Baggo, Cornhole and Corn Toss) can be played as either team doubles or singles. In doubles play, two contestants are partners against another team of two contestants. up to eight teams consisting of two players each. In single or two player mode, contestants competes either against the computer or against each other. In four player to sixteen player modes, initial teams consist of two player each, who then compete with each other, then the next team goes on and so forth, the winners of the first heat then go onto head-to-head play for the next round until there is a single, final championship match.
Game Innings Every Target Toss Pro Bags match is broken down into two innings of play. During each inning there is a top and a bottom round of play. In doubles play, the top of an inning is completed when both contestants pitching from the first cornhole platform pitch all 4 bags; the bottom of the inning is completed when the remaining contestants (pitching from the other cornhole platform) pitch all 4 bags. In singles play, the top of an inning is completed when the first contestant pitches all 4 bags; the bottom of the inning is completed when the remaining contestant pitches all 4 bags. An inning is never completed until all contestants pitch all four bags.
Value of the Bag Bag In-The-Hole - A bag in-the-hole (or Hole-In) is a bag which is thrown through the hole in the cornhole platform or otherwise comes to rest inside the cornhole platform (knocked in by another player or otherwise falls in). A bag in-the hole has a value of three points, or sixteen points when playing to final score of 104. A bag in the hole that goes in perfectly is awarded five points. There is also a separate, special numerical score given for each toss depending on the accuracy of the shot in Target Toss Pro : Bags, in addition to the standard Bags score of up to 21
Bag In-The-Count - A bag that is not in-the-hole but lands with any portion of the bag resting on the cornhole platform is in-the-count (sometimes called on-the-board). A bag in-the-count has a value of one point. For a corn bag to be in-the count, it must not touch the ground or any other portion of the court prior to coming to rest on the cornhole platform. If a bag touches the ground before coming to rest on the platform, it is a foul.
Bag Out-Of-The-Count - A bag which comes to rest anywhere except in-the-count or in-the-hole is out-of-the-count and has no scoring value.
Delivery of Bags During Play In doubles play, the first side of contestants alternate pitching bags until they have thrown all four bags, then the remaining contestants continue to alternate in the same manner until all four bags are delivered and the inning completed. Delivery in singles play is handled in the same manner with each of the two contestants alternating their pitching of corn bags until all four corn bags have been pitched completing the inning.
Pitching Rotation During the Game The contestant who scored in the preceding inning shall pitch first in the next inning. If neither pitcher scores, the contestant or team who pitched last in the preceding inning shall pitch first in the next inning.
Length of the Game The match shall be played until the first team of contestants reaches (or exceeds) 21 points at the end of an inning. However, many play by the rule which states if you go over 21 you go back to 15. The winning team does not need to win by two or more points. The match shall be played until the team of contestants reaches (or exceeds) 21 points at the completion of an inning. The winning team does not need to win by two or more points. The match can never end in the middle of an inning. Thus, if a team that pitches first reaches or exceeds 21 points, the game can not end until the other side is allowed to pitch all of their bags and the inning is completed. If the match is tied at 21 or more at the end of an inning, play continues until one team or the other achieves a higher score at the end of an inning and wins the match. The game shall be played to 21 unless a team scores 7 or more points at the end of an inning before their opponents score any points. It this case, the team that scores 7 or more points wins the match.
Why buy your Target Toss Pro : Lawn Darts & Bags Game from ▪
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For more information about Target Toss Pro : Bags ™ Video Arcade Games , contact BMI Gaming from 4am to 9pm ET (GMT -5:00) at 1-866-527-1362 | +1.(314) 396-8500 or Contact Us Via Email
