What is a Card Validation Code (CVV2/CVC) ?
The Card Validation Code (CVC) or Card Verification Value 2 Code (CVV2) provides consumers and merchants with added credit card transaction security. These codes requires physical access to the credit card, thus reducing the risk of Internet credit card fraud.
The CVC / CVV2 code is the three-digit code located after the credit card number on the back of the card near the signature strip of Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards, and as a four digit code on the front of all American Express cards (see example below).
BMIGaming.com only accepts credit card transactions with these extra security numbers and features to make purchasing products over the Internet as secure as possible.
 Visa, MasterCard & Discover Cards
Card Validation Code :
The 3-digit, non-embossed number printed on the signature panel on the back of the card as shown above. This number is required as an additional security / fraud precaution. |  |

American Express Cards
Card Validation Code :
The 4-digit, non-embossed number printed on the front of your card as shown above. This number is required as an additional security / fraud precaution. |